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Friday, February 10, 2012

Double Fine's Adventure Kickstarter has reached over ONE MILLION DOLLARS

Double Fine, the developers of the much loved adventure game "Psychonauts" has managed to raise more than $1 million on Kickstarter in less than 24 hours. With that amount of money and support, it's pretty certain that Psychonauts 2 will be another awesome title.

This is pretty amazing for independent developers, to see how your project can get funded that greatly in such an insanely short amount of time. It is heart-warming to see that the gaming community actually shows care and support to indie game companies, instead of being mindless zombie fan-boys for massive game franchises such as "Call of Duty".

There are rewards for pledging for the "Double Fine Adventure" project.
  1. $15 gets you the finished game on Steam, access to the PC beta and videos, as well as the private discussion community.
  2. $30 gets you the HD documentary download, and the game soundtrack.
  3. $100 gets you an Original "Double Fine Adventure" poster, and special thanks in the game's credits.
  4. $250 gets you the same poster as the $100 reward, just that it will be autographed by the developers and the design team.
  5. $1000 gets you a mini portrait of yourself, painted by the game's artist.
  6. $5000 gets you a large original painting of art used in the final game.
  7. $10000 gets you lunch with the developers and a tour of the Double Fine offices.
Well, what are you waiting for? Check out the "Double Fine Adventure" project here!

1 comment:

  1. one million dollars WOW thats awesome, gotta check it out for sure
