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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Audiosurf Air

I'm sure quite a number of you would have played or at least heard of Audiosurf, it is a music based puzzle racer where you can use your favorite songs to determine your experience, with each track being customized by the song you choose. A new sequel has been announced and it will be called Audiosurf Air. This title will is being built in the Unity3D game engine, and it appears to be taking a Tron style feel to the game. Since Audiosurf Air is being built using Unity3D, it means that there is a chance of it being ported to the iOS as well, so Apple fans rejoice!

I've clocked over 12 hours on Audiosurf and I absolutely love the game, it's probably the only game I would play to relax. I'd definitely be getting this sequel, and I hope to see what they have done to improve and add to the original title. And by the way, beta sign-ups are open so I suggest you head on there and try to get yourself a chance to try out the game before it releases.

Visit their website here:


  1. I've never really played games like that.

  2. I really like the idea. I want to play it.

  3. I had heard about it bit I never knew you could use your own songs!

  4. Looks like it has some pretty neat graphcis!

  5. I heard it was really good, I never tried it out though. It is quite cheap on Steam last I saw.

  6. I've heard of Audiosurf before, looks cool. I might try this.

  7. Audiosurf is great on first 20 minutes. It gets boring after that, but on ocassional cassual play - why not?

  8. A sequel to audiosurf? I liked the game, but I can't imagine what more they could add in a sequel...

  9. I found audio surf a bit difficult
    I preferred that space shooter that made levels based on music, forget what it's called...

  10. Damn, I loved games which music changes depending on the status of the player since Need for Speed 2. I think it is a great idea that has not been used as often as it should have been. Waiting on this one!
