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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Dark Souls coming to PC?

Dark Souls may very well be arriving on the PC in the near future. There has recently been a new post on Dark Souls' Facebook page stating that "an announcement is coming", and with that comes along a reveal page that will be unlocked upon achieving a certain amount of "Likes" from its Facebook fans. Apart from this, there was also another teaser for PCPowerPlay, an Australian magazine, which simply says, "You Died.", an unmistakable message from Dark Souls. All of this kind of adds up to the fact that there will be a PC port for Dark Souls.

If you can recall, earlier this year there was a petition with over 66,000 signatures for Dark Souls to be ported to the PC, and Namco did reply saying that they know of its existance. This is really cool, seeing a big game company actually listening to the fans and doing what they've requested. It would be so awesome if more game companies would do more favors for its gamers. I look forward to playing Dark Souls on the PC when it arrives.

Image source:


  1. I thought it was on the PC, but if it isn't, it is pretty cool of them to listen to the fans like that.

  2. I like Namco, they listened to their consumers. I hope this port will be good.

  3. I don't like the name of this one nor the cover art! It's freaky!

  4. My brother has this on the PS3 already so no need for me to get it for PC.

  5. I'm actually kinda interested in possibly getting this if my computer can play it...

  6. I remember when my cousin played this game. F-words non-stop, when he finally finished it, he stood up with a huge smile and said that it was one of the best games he's ever played :D. Makes perfect sense, huh?

    1. Hahaha, I've seen pictures of controllers being smashed up from playing Dark Souls.

  7. this is the game that is seriously hard? sweet.

  8. a lot of people are writing about this today

  9. That would be great, because I don't have a console, but have been wanting to try this one out for a while!
