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Monday, March 05, 2012

New F2P 3rd-person MMO shooter: Loadout

Coming this Summer is yet another Free-to-Play MMO 3rd-person shooter, Loadout. It emphasizes heavily on players being able to customize your outrageous weapons, equipment and accessories, as well as the over-the-top effects and cartoony graphics. Loadout promises this one thing, "The more you play, the more you can customize."

If Team Fortress 2 and Borderlands had a baby, it would be this game. I'd even say that Loadout is really similar to FireFall.  Seeing how successful Team Fortress 2 has been after going F2P, it seems like many MMO shooters are also jumping on the F2P wagon. I just hope that it will not become another Pay-to-Win game, and that the cash shop will only sell cosmetics items. Other than that, Loadout seems like a pretty good game to get into.

Sign up for the beta here:


  1. the love-child of TF2 and Borderlands? I'm in

  2. Interesting, I wonder what kind of crazy attachments you can install on your weapon.

  3. I think I play enough games like this but maybe by the summer I won't.

  4. Loved TF2, hope this lives up to the concept!

  5. A lot of MMO shooters out recently, but this one stands out. Reminds me of TF2, so I probably will end up playing it to hell and back.

  6. I'm amazed this is still a thing, I remember signing up for it like over a year ago

  7. I always liked to see more MMO shooters. By the way nice blog, I just started following!

  8. It has multiplayer and it's online, but I can't seem to find anything that suggests it is an mmo...

  9. Two words, Battlefield Heroes. At least initially, that's my first impression.

  10. Looks cool, I'll definatly check it out.

  11. That does sound good. I like the cartoonish graphics, might try it out ..

  12. yeah but the quality of games seems to suffer under all that f2p-stuff
