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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Zynga buys over OMGPOP

If you have an Android or an iPhone, this picture above might be very familiar to you. Draw Something is the smash hit game made by OMGPOP, a somewhat popular online casual games website. You've probably have heard or seen your friends play or talk about Draw Something. Zynga has apparently caught wind of how popular it is, and how fast it is growing, so they did the only logical thing- They bought it, for over 200 million dollars. All current OMGPOP employees will be joining Zynga and they're company will still be operational, just that it will be part of Zynga now.

It blows my mind to think how a small game company with only a little over 40 employees are able to make such a trending game, so much so that Zynga could see the potential in it and buy their company over for such an absurd amount of money. OMGPOP has existed for quite a while now, and nobody really knew of it until recently. I'm really surprised that Zynga would go out and buy over their company. This is good news for the current employees, with $200,000,000 they could spend their entire lives without working anymore!

Image source:


  1. I actually had no idea Zynga were that big. Here's hoping they actually put the money towards developing new games, rather than living the easy life.

  2. I've had an OMGPOP account since before this but now that they're a part of Zynga I have no intention of using it again.

  3. Oh no... casual gaming is getting bigger

  4. I actually know of this guy online that works for OMGPOP, he must be proud. That is an insane amount of money!

  5. yup, casual games are more and more important part of the business

  6. Is it just me or did this game become popular *really* quickly?

  7. zynga is like blizzard in the world of online games

  8. they can buy me too if they want to :)

  9. They really paid 200 million? Wow....just wow.

  10. I can't wait for Zynga to ruin all of their games
