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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Diablo III release date announced!

15th May is the magical date where Diablo III is finally ready and will be released for all Diablo fans to enjoy, finally! It will be coming to stores internationally on 15th May, or you can pre-order it online on Battle.Net. There is however, no mention of the release date for the consoles, which probably means it will be arriving to the consoles in the near future. 

If you're a hardcore fan, there is the collector's edition you can purchase for $99.99. It includes a behind-the-scenes blu-ray documentary, a 208 page art book, a soundtrack CD, a 4GB USB drive that comes with Diablo II and its expansion, Lord of Destruction, as well as various cosmetics bonuses for your characters in Diablo III.

So finally, Diablo III is ready, despite having various features such as PvP to be cut out from the game at the last minute. The core campaign and co-op should be solid, seeing how much time Blizzard has put into this game. What I'm interested to find out more is the real-money auction house, and whether it will make or break the game. I guess we'll find out on 15th May.

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